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Forum Posts

is the i2c init function right?

void sEE_Init(void) { //printf("i2c init\n"); sEE_LowLevel_Init(); // enable clock   /*!< I2C configuration */ /* sEE_I2C Peripheral Enable */ I2C_Cmd(sEE_I2C, ENABLE); I2C_DeInit(sEE_I2C); /* sEE_I2C configuration after enablin...

Strange tim4 interrupts?

The chip is stm8s103f3p6, and I wanna use lsi as clk and tim4 to make a timer, there are two strange things happened.​ when I set prescaler to TIM4_PRESCALER_4 and ARR to 32, I thought it should interrupt every 1ms (128k/4/32=1kHz), but it seems brea...

hpare by Associate
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Interrupt vector relocation in stm8

Hi,​I​ am developing an IAP for one of my project.In that the bootloader and the application using interrupt vectors.How can I seperate the ​interrupt vectors for application as well as bootloader. How to relocate the interrupt vectors in STM8?​T...

leojo by Associate
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Issue with STM8S103F3 using wait for interrupt assembly call

Hello,First off, I'd really like to thank the community for being there to help, and I really appreciate any help or guidance offered. I am trying to put an STM8S103F3 MCU into wait mode until an external interrupt on port A triggers. I make the asse...

JEREMYB by Associate
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How to detect if debugging session is active on STM8S103?

Hello,Is there a way to detect if debugging session is active (eg. IAR debugger is attached)?Datasheet says DM and SWIM registers are only accessible from SWIM interface, not from STM8 bus.Unfortunately IAR doesn't like the WFI instruction during deb...

AToth by Associate
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Why does USB/Debugger Time out when running Overnight?

I am running code overnight using the STVD debugger and an STM8S discovery board as the interface. After many hours the debugger loses connection to the target. "Stop Program" is grayed out under the "Debug" menu. The "watch" variables are not bei...

Resolved! STM8L001J3 : SWIM and reset pin

Hello,I would like to use the STM8L001J3. I am very new with STM8 family. I used to using STM32. STM8L001J3 seems to be great for my application, i started to draw the schematics but i wonder how to connect the debug probe. For VCC, VSS, and SWIM pin...