2014-03-26 4:25 AM
I am working with STM8L151C8 with 48 pins. To my default DAC1 output on PF0 (which works fine) I want to access to the second DAC output, which I want to have on PB6. The Ref manual says that this is possible by configurating the switches, see Doc ID 15226 Rev 10 page 219/575. In my code I have the following lines in respect to DAC2: #define DAC2 PIO_Pin_6 //DAC channel 2 #define PB_DDR_Init GPIO_DDR_RESET_VALUE // not relevant for DAC2 #define PB_ODR_Init GPIO_ODR_RESET_VALUE // not relevant for DAC2 #define PB_CR1_Init GPIO_CR1_RESET_VALUE | DAC2 #define PB_CR2_Init GPIO_CR1_RESET_VALUE //clear all bits GPIOB->ODR = PB_ODR_Init; GPIOB->DDR = PB_DDR_Init; GPIOB->CR1 = PB_CR1_Init; GPIOB->CR2 = PB_CR2_Init; RI->IOSR1 = 0x80; //should be the right one for PB6 DAC->CH1CR1 = DAC_CR1_RESET_VALUE | DAC_CR1_EN; /* DAC1 enable, Buffer on */ DAC->CH2CR1 = DAC_CR1_RESET_VALUE | DAC_CR1_EN; /* DAC2 enable, Buffer on */ DAC->CH2RDHRH = (uint8_t) (0); DAC->CH2RDHRL = (uint8_t) (0); // DAC->DCH2RDHRH = 0; //DAC2 setting to 0 // DAC->DCH2RDHRL = 0; //DAC2 setting to 0 I tried both for the last two lines. The result is always, that at PB6 is a voltage of 3.2 Volts. My program does not reset to a certain value or zero. What is my fault here? Thank you in advance. Dieter2017-06-02 1:51 AM
Hello Dieter
I have the same problem with the DAC2 on the same micro processor.
Do you have fixed your problem ? I do not understand why much questions are in suspend, the DAC 2 is a real problem whereas the DAC 1 is quite easy to configure.
So in my enquiry, in order to activate the routing of DAC2 to PB4, I set the AnalogueSwitch_4 and RI_IO_SWITCH 15
(I work with the Cosmic C compiler) if you have any information, it will be great.