2010-01-10 11:36 PM
About STM8S103F3 UART1 interrupt issue !
2011-05-17 6:06 AM
It is TRUE that the TXE flag is set by hardware when the content of the TDR register has been transferred into the shift register and you need to wait on the TC flag before sending the next. It takes MOST of time to wait the TC flag before sending the next. What's the difference between POLLING and INTERRUPT approachs in STM8S UART application ?
At the page 311 of the new reference manual (RM0016 Rev. 6), it mentions that ''After writing the LAST data in the UART_DR register, it is mandatory to wait until TC is set to '1' before entering HALT mode or disabling the UART.'' I can NOT fully understand the STM8S reference manual. I suggest ST STM8S FAE team to develop REAL and NEAT library for customers. Current one is too complex to customer applicatoins. [ This message was edited by: boltnut168 on 10-01-2010 16:43 ]2011-05-17 6:06 AM
What's the difference between POLLING and INTERRUPT approachs in STM8S UART application ?
Same as in any other microcontroller's UART application?!Quote:
I suggest ST STM8S FAE team to develop REAL and NEAT library for customers. Current one is too complex to customer applicatoins.
That sounds rather like, ''I want a library that's specific to my application without any other options that other customers may require''Clearly, ST have to cater for the broadest audience - you can't expect something optimised to your specific requirements from a general-purpose library!2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Dear st7,
I understand that ST can NOT give me a specific library as similar as my application. But I HOPE that ST can provide a self-content document and useful library. I worked with 8051 MCU for a long time. So I expected the STM8S MCU is easy to use as 8051 at least. I took lots of time to study STM8S reference manual and do some experiment to clarify some doubtful points. I believe that ST can do better. Right ?