2010-01-07 12:33 AM
How to design NEC IR decoder in STM8S103F3 ?
#remote #nec #ir2011-05-17 6:06 AM
I am designing a battery-based device.
It stayed power down mode normally and is powered on by NEC remoter controller. Are there any STM8S103 reference design or technical information for reference ? Thanks in advance !2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Are there any STM8S103 reference design or technical information for reference ?
It's all here:http://www.st.com/mcu/modules.php?name=mcu&file=familiesdocs&FAM=113
2011-05-17 6:06 AM
On 15-12-2009 at 10:15, Anonymous wrote:Quote:
Are there any STM8S103 reference design or technical information for reference ?
It's all here:http://www.st.com/mcu/modules.php?name=mcu&file=familiesdocs&FAM=113
Are there any application notes which describe the TV NEC IR decoder design in STM8S MCU ?
2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Hi Jeffrey,
You can refer to the ''AN2957: Implementing an RC5 infrared transmitter using the IR timer modulator of the STM8L10x microcontroller'' available in this link: This Appli note use the IRTIM IP that is not available on the STM8S products family but can be updated using the Timer ;) regards mozra2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Hi Jeffrey,
You want to implement an IR transmitter? or receiver? regards skuk2011-05-17 6:06 AM
I had implemented the NEC IR receiver using PC.6,
but it may be conflicted with other signal (PC.3). They shared the same EXTI_PORTC_ISR interrupt service routine. How to distinguish them in ISR ?2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Am new to STM8 family! and my plan to use Timer1 function to decode NEC IR pulses is on hold for the below reason:I configured myself every register according to ref manual RM0016 (14587.pdf), section 17.5.3.
Also have chosen PIO config as alternate input with interrupt on DDR, CR1, CR2.
There is an interrupt raised on press of the key, but the CC1IF bit is not set, instead, the register is always 0x19, which is to say CC4IF, CC3IF.
That didn’t help!I managed to dig out the reference code on timer, stm8s_tim1.c, and used that as well. Still the same effect
This makes me think, perhaps I have missed to set/reset just “one bit� somewhere!If you could share me your thoughts and further check points or some source code to refer to, that would be appreciated.
Many thanks,
Skuk.2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Hi Boltnut,
are you writing in C or ASM? could you show me your code? i'm working on rc receiver too?2011-05-17 6:06 AM
Hi wojcik.krzysztof,
I had implemented the NEC IR decoder (PC.6) in STM8S103F3, butit is disturbed by other signal (PC.3). So far I do NOT know
how to distinguish the EXTI Port C pins interrupt sources to overcome
the issue.