2017-08-02 6:45 AM
2017-09-29 1:26 PM
I wrote two simple tutorials for the STM8S001 using the Reference design board:
2017-09-30 4:59 AM
Hi Philipp,
Great job. Thanks for sharing!
2017-11-12 9:20 AM
Is the MCU board available for purchase?
For prototypes we assembled similar using commercial 8-SOIC to DIP PCBs.
Which part number do you suggest for C1 (VCAP)? (The ESR for the capacitor on the STM8S Discovey board seems out of spec from the ESR limit in the Datasheet.)
Terrence Holm
Burnaby, B.C. Canada
2017-11-12 1:08 PM
Hello Terrence,
Thank you for your interest in STM8S001 MCU. Regarding your questions:
1. Is the MCU board available for purchase?
Rutronik is a partner of ST for this evaluation kit. Here is a link to landing page of evalaution kit on Rutronik's web page:
. However if you don't need a full evaluation kit and module with MCU will be enough for you, please send me a message with your postal address and I will be glad to send you one MCU module.2. Which part number do you suggest for C1 (VCAP)? (The ESR for the capacitor on the STM8S Discovey board seems out of spec from the ESR limit in the Datasheet.)
I confirm that capacitor, which is used on Discovery board is not matching all requirements mentioned in datasheet. I am sorry for this, as I guess it is confusing and for sure misleading.
Regarding VCAP selection, here are few hints:
Kind regards
Szymon2017-11-27 12:53 PM
I am seriously interested in all of the STM8S series and bought most of the UK/European stock of the 001. I am not being critical but I must comment on the soldering: perhaps 10 times too much on the capacitors, the shiny solderballs should be a small rising filet. Even worse is the mass of solder that does not even connect to the .1 DIP pins. I would recommend using a flux pen on every pin, pad and component and always using 60/40 Ersin Multicore Solder. Bad solder joints will eventually cause future problems.