2023-12-19 3:13 AM - edited 2023-12-19 5:02 AM
I'm using a STM32F105 and can program the firmware with an ST-Link to get firmware with USB DFU device driver on the device.
The device gets recognised if I connect it with USB and I can connect and read the memory without issues.
If I try to program a new firmware over USB it all looks good but after the verify step I get an error: Download verification failed.
When I check the firmware is not updated at all. It's weird because in the log I see that the sectors get ereased and download is complete but it seems nothing is written to the flash.
See print screen below.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2024-01-18 12:52 AM
I removed the software update class and just check VBUS during boot and jump to the device system bootloader if USB power is detected because I only use USB for software updates...
int main(void)
// Check if we can detect VBUS
// if so we jump to device system bootloader
// Configure GPIO pin : PA9
GPIO_InitTypeDef GPIO_InitStruct = {0};
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_9;
GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL;
HAL_GPIO_Init(GPIOA, &GPIO_InitStruct);
// VBUS is present
else {
// if we do not detect VBUS on PA9 we deinitialize the pin configuration.
void JumpToBootloader(void) {
void (*SysMemBootJump)(void);
volatile uint32_t addr = 0x1FFFB000; // System memory bootloader address
SysMemBootJump = (void (*)(void)) (*((uint32_t *)(addr + 4)));
// Reset peripherals, disable interrupts
// we have no peripherals or interrupts started jet!
// Set main stack pointer
__set_MSP(*(uint32_t *) addr);
// Jump to bootloader
2023-12-19 6:04 AM
Can you show the contents of flash around 0x08000000?
Can you attach your programming file or show the contents of it around 0x080001E4 if it's a HEX/ELF?
2023-12-19 6:17 AM
I attached the contents of the flash around 0x08000000 and around 0x080001E4.
I also tried a completely different firmware but nothing get actually written to the flash.
The change around 0x080001E4 is probably only because I hade a minor change in the firmware to be able to detect if programming worked.
2023-12-19 6:38 AM - edited 2023-12-19 6:41 AM
How value HSE clock used on F105? Too you read chapter 16.3 AN2606
2023-12-19 6:53 AM
So the memory starting at 0x08000000 is identical to that starting at 0x080001E4? Seems odd.
Re-reading your first post, it's not clear if you're using the system DFU USB bootloader, or a custom bootloader. If you're using a custom bootloader, which it seems like, then the problem may be in there.
2023-12-19 7:59 AM - edited 2023-12-19 8:08 AM
I use the standard USB bootloader.
Device mode and selected Download Firmware Update Class...
16:51:25 : STM32CubeProgrammer API v2.15.0 | MacOS-64Bits
16:51:30 : UR connection mode is defined with the HWrst reset mode
16:51:32 : USB speed : Full Speed (12MBit/s)
16:51:32 : Manuf. ID : STMicroelectronics
16:51:32 : Product ID : STM32 DownLoad Firmware Update
16:51:32 : SN : 48EC45783650
16:51:32 : DFU protocol: 1.1
I might need different USBD_DFU_XFER_SIZE or USBD_DFU_MEDIA interface settings?
2023-12-19 8:05 AM
I'm not sure STM32CubeProgrammer is going to interact with a custom/user bootloader the way you want. I would suggest using the system bootloader, which can be entered by holding BOOT0 high during reset.
2023-12-19 8:54 AM
You dont reply if used HSE crystal, and if your code and use is as you show then generated code only prepare DFU usb protocol , but no real flash operation.
1. normal way is use boot into system DFU and this require HSE crystals (clock values in AN2606)
2. if you plan own bootloader then you need write all flash operation in code or use some prepared ...
2023-12-19 11:40 AM
I expected the USB_DEVICE library which I added in the STM32CubeIDE ioc configuration using the system USB DFU booloader.
And I use a HSE 8Mhz crystal of corse.
20:22:48 : Memory Programming ...
20:22:48 : Opening and parsing file: STM32 VCU.elf
20:22:48 : File : STM32 VCU.elf
20:22:48 : Size : 117.10 KB
20:22:48 : Address : 0x08000000
20:22:48 : Erasing memory corresponding to segment 0:
20:22:48 : erasing sector 0000 @: 0x08000000 done
20:22:48 : erasing sector 0001 @: 0x08004000 done
20:22:48 : erasing sector 0002 @: 0x08008000 done
20:22:48 : erasing sector 0003 @: 0x0800c000 done
20:22:48 : erasing sector 0004 @: 0x08010000 done
20:22:48 : Download in Progress:
20:22:48 : File download complete
20:22:48 : Time elapsed during download operation: 00:00:00.364
20:22:48 : Verifying ...
20:22:48 : Read progress:
20:22:49 : Error: Data mismatch found at address 0x080001E4 (byte = 0xFF instead of 0x00)
20:22:49 : Error: Download verification failed
2023-12-19 12:10 PM
System DFU bootloader is started by pattern on empty MCU. Connect STLink and erase all. Then boot system bootloader and use DFU.
Because ofcourse when you load in flash DFU ioc firmware , this runs and do as DFU , what is universal protocol. But here real flash is untuched...