2019-04-04 3:22 PM
I am exploring possibilities. Haven't done any of this yet, and I'm likely a bit vague with my terminology.
Would STM32CubeProgrammer be a suitable tool to automate the application code installation to multiple boards connected at the same time (i.e. upload the binaries into FLASH)?
The goal is that I want to connect 10 boards to a computer and walk away and not baby sit the process.
Obviously the CLI exists for scripting, but am wondering about two things.
1) Can multiple boards be connected to the computer and CubeProgrammer at the same time? Our boards will have a 10-pin SWD connector connected to it's own STLink (v2 or v3 which ever is better for this). So, computer with multiple USB connections each to an STLink board, and then each of those using SWD out to one of my boards. I'm thinking up to 10 at a time. A script would be coded with or discover the addresses (using the term loosely here), then step through each address to install the binaries one board at a time.
2) The computer will be Win10 with the built-in Linux. I use the Linux realm to run a bunch of network-based scripting for programming of other boards, but can STM32CubeProgrammer run in that environment as a non-GUI CLI? Or, will I have to script it within the Win10 environment because of the GUI?
Don't need how-to details — just some sense as to whether others have tried this with success or not.