2022-08-31 5:31 AM
,I have realized a project for Stm32G0B1 device. In my project I put a marker at address 0x807fff0. If I program the chip using keil I don't have any issue but if I use Stm32Cube Programmer the marker memory is not programmed. Is there anything to do to say Cube Programmer to program two different memory area?
Emanuele Dassiè
2022-08-31 6:10 AM
2022-08-31 6:21 AM
Thank's for your answer, but in my flash programmer is not possible to write in the Start Address space and in any case my project start at address 0x8004000. The code is corrctly programmed at that address, but after the main code I have an empty space then I have the marker at 0x807fff0.
I have attached my hex file