2019-06-19 8:56 AM
Hi I'm running the STM32CubeProgrammer on MacOs and I'm trying to connect a cheap STM32F407ZG to upload a program via USB the the programmer cannot connect to the board. Anyone got any ideas?
2019-06-19 9:01 AM
BOOT0 pin needs to be high when you restart/plug in device. Should report as "STM32 in DFU Mode" or something similar.
The system loader, doesn't want to be seeing noise on other interfaces it might use for updating. See app note AN2606
Also needs a crystal oscillator on board for USB and CAN loader operation.
2019-06-19 12:04 PM
Clive - thank's. Ive just tried it, and the board connects to the CubeProgrammer immediately. I had to fiddle and guess a little with the pins. As mentioned it's a cheap chinese clone from TaoBao. It has BT1 and BT0 pins which was the boot pins. Connecting BT0 to 3V3 worked.
2019-06-19 12:07 PM
Btw - it has both the 8 and 32 Mhz crystals on board as well as two USB ports, the TFT interfaces together with NRF74L01 and camera interface.
2019-06-19 12:18 PM
<G> Some board on TaoBao doesn't really pin things down. How about a picture of the board, and a link to the vendor page? Bonus points if it has a schematic.
2019-06-19 12:25 PM
No they sure don't.;-) and if you're lucky to stumble on some downloadable material the page and documentation is in chinese - but on the other hand it's cheap as chips. Supplier page: https://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1-c.w4004-5253464463.45.3c395dffd954yV&id=565218048000