2021-05-10 11:25 AM
When I clicked 'Firmware Upgrade' for my STLink, STM32CubeProgrammer complained that 'STLinkUpgrade.jar Not Found'. I found STLinkUpgrade.jar in STSW-LINK007:
But neither STM32CubeProgrammer nor STSW-LINK007 has any instructions about how install or place STLinkUpgrade.jar so that it can be found by STM32CubeProgrammer.
I managed to perform the update by installing a separate Java runtime environment and running the utility separately, but would like to know how to set it up correctly in STM32CubeProgrammer.
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-05-10 12:01 PM
Since version 2.6.0 STM32CubeProgrammer uses its own Java RTE, so a separate Java installation is no longer required and is ignored anyway.
The STLinkUpgrade.jar will usually be installed together with STM32CubeProgrammer and should be located in %programfiles%\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\Drivers\FirmwareUpgrade
2021-05-10 12:01 PM
Since version 2.6.0 STM32CubeProgrammer uses its own Java RTE, so a separate Java installation is no longer required and is ignored anyway.
The STLinkUpgrade.jar will usually be installed together with STM32CubeProgrammer and should be located in %programfiles%\STMicroelectronics\STM32Cube\STM32CubeProgrammer\Drivers\FirmwareUpgrade
2021-06-19 5:41 AM
I've tried, today, to launch my new upload and installation of CubeProgrammer on Linux OS, Ubuntu 20.04.
I've made all indications for install ( include rules ...) but software say : Error : Old ST-LINK firware version. Curious ... uploaded him today !
So, i've completed installation with en.stm32cubeprg-lin_v2-7-0.zip witch contain STLinkUpgrade.jar ( uploaded today ...)
On Linux, i've finded folder .../STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/ witch don't have FirmwareUpgrade sub-folder.
I've tried to copy STLinkUpgrade.jar in .../STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/ folder -> problem stay.
i've created .../STMicroelectronics/STM32Cube/STM32CubeProgrammer/FirmwareUpgrade folder and copy STLinkUpgrade.jar inside -> problem stay.
Where can i copy STLinkUpgrade.jar for permit CubeProgrammer work ?
Thank you.
2021-06-19 7:55 AM
@Jjc.1 What worked for me was to run STLinkUpgrade.jar on its own, outside of STM32CubeProgrammer.
sudo apt install default-jre
java -jar STLinkUpgrade.jar
2021-07-13 6:06 AM
Thank you, JUrba.2.
In fact, the global system for using STM32Cube is very heavy. If i understand, STM32Cube in graphic mode must have Java ( i don't like !) and Eclipse ( i use Code::blocks IDE for PC and AVR sofwares !). I don't know if i continue install of STM32Cube, which seems excellent ... but very exigent.
2021-07-15 4:58 AM
@Peter BENSCH Something is wrong with the Linux installer (v2.7.0) which doesn't copy the whole Drivers folder (it has only the rules subfolder) and the upgrade doesn't work:
where as the Windows does:
If I copy the whole Drivers folder from an Windows machine to a Linux one the STLinkUpgrade would work:
2021-07-23 10:46 AM
Hello Enthusiasts,
With reference to the above discussions, the solution is well defined for Windows installation. thanks to @Peter BENSCH.
Today, while working with Cubeprogrammer on Linux, I also faced the same issue of STLink Firmware upgrade,
Following the details mentioned above, and referring to the packages mentioned here (RN0093 - Firmware upgrade for ST-LINK), I was able to resolve the issue of "STLinkUpgrade.jar Not Found"
Here are my steps on how I resolved it.
Assumption: STM32CubeProgrammer is working as usual with STM32 Microcontroller programming
2021-09-22 7:41 AM
Hello, Cesar et Sushant.
I return with you later because i would have special ( and long !) time to test yours methods.
Cesar : i dont have a PC with windows. Soo, i can't test. But, i see, on yours pictures, that you have stsw-link009_v3. Mine, uploaded today, is stsw-link007 !!!
Sushant : Don't work, sorry. After test your method, i've tried many options to put files in folder .../FirmwareUpgrade but without success.
I use chinese ST-link v2 key that work fine with other softwares ...
Thank you for previous answers.
2021-10-11 5:18 AM
For Ubuntu:
1. Go to the Drivers folder: / home / user / STMicroelectronics / STM32Cube / STM32CubeProgrammer / Drivers /
2. Create the FirmwareUpgrade folder there
3. Copy the content there from: / stsw-link007 / AllPlatforms /
The FirmwareUpgrade folder should contain the following folders: Native, StlinkRulesFilesForLinux and the STLinkUpgrade.jar file