Hello, Cesar et Sushant.I return with you later because i would have special ( and long !) time to test yours methods.Cesar : i dont have a PC with windows. Soo, i can't test. But, i see, on yours pictures, that you have stsw-link009_v3. Mine, upload...
Thank you, JUrba.2.In fact, the global system for using STM32Cube is very heavy. If i understand, STM32Cube in graphic mode must have Java ( i don't like !) and Eclipse ( i use Code::blocks IDE for PC and AVR sofwares !). I don't know if i continue ...
Hello.I've tried, today, to launch my new upload and installation of CubeProgrammer on Linux OS, Ubuntu 20.04.I've made all indications for install ( include rules ...) but software say : Error : Old ST-LINK firware version. Curious ... uploaded him...