2023-02-27 8:34 AM
I am attempting to erase and download a hex file to the external flash. The board I am using is not listed in the external loaders list in Cube Programmer. The board I am using is the STM32F103VCT6.
This there another program that can be used with the STLink to program the external flash memory?
Additional note: I am using IAR v 7.2
2023-02-27 9:20 AM
Simply build your own. aka Generating external Loader (.stldr) for specific hardware and many more info
2023-02-27 9:30 AM
ST only provides loaders for their OWN board configurations.
Some of the F1 EVAL boards have some external memory. Put "F1" or "3210" in the search window to narrow the list
Memory that's not on the FSMC bus can be accommodated by using a faux address, and the loader can have Read and Write routines that fetch and write data using this notional address space.
2023-02-27 9:40 AM
2023-02-27 3:31 PM
> Additional note: I am using IAR v 7.2
Is it still supported? Otherwise, consider a move to [always free] GCC toolchain.