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Couldn't connect target in Hot Plug Mode in STM32 Cube Programmer.


I want to see the RAM content of a Running Device. I suspect it might be got corrupted. Also, I don't want to Reset the device. I think connecting the device using Hot Plug mode in STM32Cube Programmer is the solution for this. But I am not able to connect these devices with Hot Plug Mode. Normal Mode is also not working. But I can connect devices using Power Down and Under Reset mode.

I am using ST-Link V2 As a hardware debugger.
MCU is - STM32L152RC
What can be the issue?


Make sure the device isn't going into Low Power modes, turning off the debug pins, or reconfiguring them.

Perhaps create a UART based console or monitor app to allow you to interact with the system or see Hard Fault or Error Handler failures. Do integrity and sanity checking. Dump RAM, portions or stack via console.

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