2023-03-14 02:11 AM
I have the ISSI IS62C1024AL-35TLI and I want to connect via SWD and a PCIe slot extender.
But I have not this external loader in the available external loaders list in the STM32CubePorgammer. Could you transfer me the IS62C1024AL-35TLI_STM32xxx.stldr file to copy it in the "/bin/ExternalLoader" directory please ?
2023-03-14 03:27 AM
Hello @Pleon.1 ,
Thanks for your feedback,
Please check the following article, Where can I find source code of external loader (.stldr) for STM32 devices?
I hope this helps!
2023-03-14 05:10 AM
It's an SRAM
Building STLDR is a time consuming process, you're kind of expected to DIY.
I would suggest you first write your own BSP code to bring up and test the memory on your board.
2023-03-14 05:31 AM
PCIe slot extender for connection to STM32?! How an "external loader" can help?
Maybe you need a J-Flash (not a ST product)?