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Any NAND flash examples for External loader?


I failed to make the .stldr for a NAND flash. I have followed the steps of initial System CLK, GPIO, NAND, and then Erase&Write the chip. Unfortunately, nothing wroted into the flash.

The open resources are more about SPI/QSPI. It is helpful if there are any souce codes for NAND flash such as the one created 512W3A_STM3210E-EVAL.stldr.

Senior III

Hello @Czhu.1 

I am coming here too.

Do you have the resolution now?

Thank you.

My recommendation would be to write a BSP for your board and test in application space, where you can debug it.

When you can read, write, erase you can then port that into the External Loader frame work.

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Senior III

@Tesla DeLorean 

Thanks for your reply.

Finally, I got the way by referring here.