2018-06-06 7:00 AM
I have a simple custom PCB which drives a TFT controller via 8 bit FSMC. It works well.
When I add the USB CDC I get hard fault after ~1 sec run even without any USB transmission.
I used CubeMX to generate the code. Finally I didn't add any user code and experienced that when I comment 'MX_USB_DEVICE_Init' or 'MX_USB_DEVICE_Init' I don't get hard fault.
Have you ever experienced something like this?
Environment details:
- CubeMX v 4.26.0
- MCU: STM32F412RG
Than you in advance!
#usb-cdc #stm32f4 #cubemx #fsmc #hard-fault2018-06-06 1:32 PM
This may be coincidental, e.g. insufficient stack.
Debug starting from the hardfault to find the culprit.