2021-12-16 11:37 PM
I am using STM32L010c6tx processor I need Microseconds function. How can I do it using a timer? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqC0IhLKJ9o&ab_channel=ControllersTech I did as it shows in the video but the program didn't work. Most likely APB2, prescaler, counter mode etc. I have an error in the values. How do I write those values?
2021-12-17 12:43 AM
Sorry not watching videos.
Set TIM ARR to maximal, 0xFFFF
Set TIM PSC to MHZ-1 for APB TIM is on.
CNT will tick in 1us increments, counts 0 thru 0xFFFF
Can't interrupt at this high a rate.
2021-12-17 7:06 AM
It's okay to wait more than 8 hours for a response instead of starting a new thread.