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STM32L4A6 Nucleo-144 Board not found in CubeMX.


The description on the back of the STM32L4A6 Board packages states "STM32CubeL4 embedded software solution featuring divers, RTOS, file sytem, USB, graphics and examples for this Board".

The Package from does not include examples for the board. Furthermore the board cannot be found in CubeMX at all. The only way to configure it is over selecting the MCU.

Do I miss a package here?

greetings Simon


Accepted Solutions
Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

The L496 and L4A6 are most certainly the very same die, except that on the L496 the hw encryption is disabled. The main point is that the Nucleo-L4A6 is hard (or even impossible like L562-Disco, Nucleo-H753, Nucleo-H755 etc. ) to get at all due to export restrictions. Just take the files of Nucleo-L496ZG, and maybe edit the ioc-file.

View solution in original post

Andreas Bolsch
Lead II

The L496 and L4A6 are most certainly the very same die, except that on the L496 the hw encryption is disabled. The main point is that the Nucleo-L4A6 is hard (or even impossible like L562-Disco, Nucleo-H753, Nucleo-H755 etc. ) to get at all due to export restrictions. Just take the files of Nucleo-L496ZG, and maybe edit the ioc-file.

Thank you, that helps a lot!

The Cube packages tend to have dual use examples, so the NUCLEO and EVAL forks have HASH/CRYP examples for the twined product with those units enabled, ie NUCLEO-L496/L4A6

These boards aren't impossible to source, but do require paperwork

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