2016-04-03 05:24 AM
Hello everybody,
I would like to ''free'' some peripherals in the SMT32F429i-DISCO and drive the ili9341 display in SPI mode instead of LTDC. I'm working with CubeMX to init the SPI5 and DMA for the SPI transfer. After it I've developed the display init starting from a lib example in Keil but without using CubeMX. I would like to port that lib in Cube + True Studio but, by now, it doesn't work. Have someone do the same job and can help me? Thanks. Luca #spi #cubemx #ili9341 #true-studio2016-04-04 06:00 AM
Import .ioc from a library example in Keil is not supported, but it's possible to import your own generated project Keil in CubeMx then True Studio.-ForumSTM32-