2017-11-02 6:15 AM
I'm new to this exiting world of MCUs.
I tried many installs from scratch, did all the available updates I found, but I still can't see my 'STM32F407G-DISC1' in the list of boards in STM32CubeMX.
I find 2 'STM32F4DISCOVERY' with the only difference about the on-board ST-LINK version, one is 'V2', the other is 'V2-1'.
Can someone give me a hint on how to get my board listed in the tool, please ?
I also noticed that the boards listed are labeled 'MB997A' (top right of the picture), where mine is 'MB997D'.
many thanks for your support,
PS : I read through similar questions, but nothing gave me the solution to add this specific board to the list.
#stm32cubemx* #stm32f407g-disc1Solved! Go to Solution.
2017-11-02 6:38 AM
STM32F407G-DISC1 should be the name for the newer version of STM32F4DISCOVERY, where the STLinkV2 chip has been replaced for STLinkV2-A (not V2-1, there are
). The PCB should be still the same; the last letter on sticker IMO just indicates the batch.JW
2017-11-02 6:38 AM
STM32F407G-DISC1 should be the name for the newer version of STM32F4DISCOVERY, where the STLinkV2 chip has been replaced for STLinkV2-A (not V2-1, there are
). The PCB should be still the same; the last letter on sticker IMO just indicates the batch.JW
2017-11-02 6:50 AM
First of all, many thanks for your reply.
Is it better to start a project with a board, or simply the MCU ? As I can't find my exact board, should I preferably go with the STM32F407VGTx I can find in the MCU list ?
2017-11-02 7:28 AM
OK, thanks for the clarification. this might explain why they didn't provided a dedicated list entry for this particular one.
as a total newbie to this MCU world, I'm curious about almost everything. can you please tell me more about your tool chain if you don't use Cube ?
I'll mark my question as 'answered', thanks to your support.
2017-11-02 8:05 AM
My point was, that STM32F4DISCOVERY and STM32F407G-DISC1 *are* exactly the same *board*.
I don't use Cube/CubeMX.
2017-11-02 9:34 AM
Cube is not a toolchain, nor is CubeMX - the former is a 'library' (in fact, two) and the latter is a configuration program with its output relying on the former.
I find these 'libraries' to be superfluous - I read the manuals and datasheets and then write program using symbols in the CMSIS-mandated device headers (to be from Cube). A few simple blinky-class examples
. This barebones approach is here considered extreme.For toolchain I use more tools less chains - I write in my favourite Crimson Editor - most here would frown upon it, but there are dozens similar minimalistic editors and another dozen of maximalistics, so it's a matter of personal preferences; preprocess using my own
; make using GNU make; compile using gcc (the launchpad/ARM bundle); debug using CodeBlocks+Comsytec EPS Debugger - or occasionally bare gdb on top of OpenOCD.The main trouble with this approach is lack of proper guidelines, so it's relatively painful to start. The threshold using the prechewed tools is significantly lower, but they then tend to bind you later (in that the 'chain' is appropriate, although unintended).
2017-11-02 10:56 AM
thank you for sharing your experience. I personnaly don't plan to surf the wave of hype solutions. so I give an ear to anyone with expertise. i'll take a deep look to the tools you mentionned, and i'm sure i will end with my own set based on various pro/con I see here and there.
I like your 'unintended chain' explanation .
2017-11-04 6:17 AM
If you just started playing with STM32 and have no deep experience with ARM the CubeMX is OK (I mean the default HAL drivers). You'll be able to blink your LED pretty quickly. Then you can move to LL drivers (also a part of the CubeMX) but this requires some experience with the hardware setup (need to know how particular I/O part works).