2024-03-27 7:36 AM - edited 2024-03-27 7:38 AM
This is my first STM32 project and I am using the Nucleo U5A5ZJ-Q with CubeIDE version 1.15.0. I am trying to use the generated code to toggle the LEDs as a simple "hello-world" example. When I create a new STM32 project in CubeIDE, I take the following steps shown in the screenshots below. When I go to generate the code, I get a warning about the RCC peripheral being incorrectly configured (shown below).
I generate the code anyways, and when I navigate to the pinout & configuration window, I see that CRS SYNC has a conflict with PA10.
When running the auto generated main.c program, an error is thrown on line 170 in SystemClock_Config() in main.c.
I am currently working through the documentation, but any suggestions on what might be going wrong here would be appreciated. Note I have not changed the code or the pinout configuration at all up to this point , this is the default state when the project was created.
2024-07-31 7:04 AM
Hi, perfectly the same issue with the same process in STM32CubeIDE Version: 1.16.0 (on Windows), but without the warning during the code generation. Any suggestion, please?
2024-08-01 6:15 AM
I wound up using an "example" shown here. This generated code worked out of the box for me. Good luck!
2024-08-02 1:26 AM
Thanks bdeming155, I fixed the issue by commenting some init after the HAL_Init() because I checked it was redundant: in this way it worked.
For sure I will check also those examples. Thanks!