2021-04-21 06:25 AM
I have several projects on the same MCU that evolve almost simultaneously. (However, the pinout is different). When adding new features, I have to enable some of them in GUI mode several times. `sort`ing the contents of *.ioc files alphabetically and `diff`/merging helps in part.
Is it possible to fully automate the creation of a * .ioc file from a script (STM32CubeMX -q script.txt)?
swmgr install stm32cube_h7_1.9.0 accept
load STM32H743VITx
project name M7_MODBUS
project toolchain SW4STM32
SetStructure Advanced
SetCopyLibrary "copy only"
project couplefilesbyip 1
# Working, ip "CORTEX_M7" available
set ip parameters CORTEX_M7 CPU_ICache Enabled
set ip parameters CORTEX_M7 CPU_DCache Enabled
# Not working. How to click "Activated" checkbox (enable) on IWDG1 via this script?
set ip parameters IWDG1 Reload 4000
set ip parameters IWDG1 Window 4000