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Everything used to work but now "Type '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _' could not be resolved"

Associate II

Board: STM32F3discovery

IDE: AC6 system workbench for stm32

I used to be able to light dels and make interrupts but now I can't even do simple things.



New project

select my board (f3discovery)

Initialize all periphs with their default mode? Yes

go to projet manager

give my project a name and a location

select "STM32CubeIDE" as toolchain/IDE because it opens the project on ac6 this way

generate code

open project

In main.c, at line 49, "PCD_HandleTypeDef hpcd_USB_FS;" there is a redish point (or whatever this looks like), i drag my mouse on this object and it says "Type 'PCD_HandleTypeDef' could not be resolved"

There is about 30 of this error in the main.c as in line "RCC_PeriphCLKInitTypeDef PeriphClkInit = {0};"

In the Src folder, only "stm32f3xx_it.c" file doesn't have this king of errors

Another exemple of this error is in the file "system32f3xx.c" line "#define HSI_VALUE  ((uint32_t)8000000)", it says "Type 'HSI_VALUE' could not be resolved"

When I try to build, the console says

"**** Build of configuration Debug for project ItUsedToWork ****

Nothing to build for project ItUsedToWork"


PS: already uninstalled and reinstalled CubeMX


Make sure the project's command line defines and include paths are correct.

Check module inclusion via #defines in the project's stm32xyz_hal_conf.h file.

Perhaps consider the use of better tools?

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Associate II

Well I am a beginner so I don't really understand how to check if the paths are correct.

However I compared stm32fxx_Hal_conf.h of this project (the one not working) with the stm32fxx8hal_conf.h from an older project (that still works) and the are just the same (even tho the old one had to deal with interrupts).

Ok for the better tools (I thought ac6 and cubeMx were great) but I don't know them.

Associate II

up 🙂