Posted on February 27, 2016 at 01:00Using channel4 of TIM5 sets up ARDUINO_PWM_CS_D10_Pin where actually the
signal is on D5
ARDUINO_PWM_CS_D10_Pin is defined as pin PI_0 which is the correct pin however.
------------- so I am expecting generated code to be:
in mxconstants.h
&sharpdefine ARDUINO_PWM_D5_Pin GPIO_PIN_0
&sharpdefine ARDUINO_PWM_D5_GPIO_Port GPIOI
in tim.c
/**TIM5 GPIO Configuration
PI0 ------> TIM5_CH4
GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = ARDUINO_PWM_D5_Pin;
---------- also TIM1_channel1 generated code attempts to use the D5 pin, it is likely to have the converse problem