2020-04-27 4:53 PM
CubeIDE V1.2
CubeMX V5.6.1
Have not been able to pin down exactly what is happening here, but I have seen it several times. I believe it has something to do with closing the .ioc file in CubeIDE. Or possibly with changing certain settings causing other settings to auto reset or change.
Note the last time I saw this was between testing this .ioc with the 1st LED LD1 on PB0. And when I added the 3rd LED LD3 into the .ioc and an additional task the checkbox was unchecked. When following the steps below I was able to get it to work without seeing the issue.
It would be helpful to have someone try to reproduce this successfully, but also attempt different .ioc modification and save and close the .ioc between editing and try to get the NVIC1 TIM7 Call HAL checkbox to uncheck. The exact cause is unknown, but it is very frustrating, to bring into question if something that was once previously checked is still currently checked.
Copied working .ioc to new location
Open CubeIDE workspace in new folder specific for this example, different than the .ioc folder
Click Start new project from STM32CubeMX .ioc file
Browse for the copied .ioc file
- C
- Executable
- STM32Cube
Confirm that System Core >> NVIC1 >> Code generation >> Time base: TIM7 global interrupt is checked for the following
- Generate IRQ handler
- Call HAL handlder (We have been having issues with this checkbox getting uncheck)
in freertos.c in StartDefaultTask add
HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(LD3_GPIO_Port, LD3_Pin);
and in StartBlinkTask02 add
Right click on CM4 project, Debug as STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ application and use all default settings
Then when ready hit the resume button to load blank CM4 project, then stop
Right click on CM7 project, Debug as STM32 Cortex-M C/C++ application and use all default settings
Then when ready hit the resume button to load CM7 and the LEDs LD1 and LD3 should blink.
If the checkbox is not checked the program will get stuck in the TIM7 IRQ that is blank.
2020-12-04 12:25 AM
Hi @PLane.1 ,
Can you please check with the latest version (CubeIDE/MX) if the problem of check box still exist ?
Thanks, Khouloud