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STM32CubeMonitor-1.5.0 is available

ST Employee


A new version 1.5.0 of STM32CubeMonitor is available on

You can download it on

Click on "Get latest" to download the version 1.5.0.

What are the changes in this version ?

The management of multiple probes has been improved to add a new acquisition mode. The changes performed in version 1.4.0 provided better performance with an increase of the CPU usage. However this level of CPU load is irrelevant for users performing low speed acquisition (i.e. 1Hz), so that a new “ECO MODE�? has been added to better address this case : if the acquisition speed is lower than 10Hz, then the new Eco mode is automatically activated to reduce the CPU load. If needed, the threshold can be changed in the setting.js file.

Node-RED® is updated to version 3 (V3.0.2) :

Node-RED® dashboard version updated to 3.1.73.

Update of serial-port node to 1.0.1

3 new dashboard nodes have been added to display specific information :

  • 3D shows a picture with 3D orientation,
  • radar shows dots on a circle,
  • activity shows some “activity�? icons (walk, run,…)

There are also some fix for issues reported in the forum :

  • Solved acquisition problem with multiple probes on Ubuntu 20.04
  • Log to CSV variable name with dot character
  • “Cannot secure Node-RED® on Ubuntu®�? is fixed

Do not hesitate to create new posts if you have any question.

The STM32CubeMonitor team.

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Accepted Solutions

I just checked an hour or two ago and it is able to be downloaded. I confirm it fixed it, but there are a number of changes made to CSV formatting that are interesting too.

Keep up the good work.

View solution in original post

Associate II

The version information under "About STM32CubeMonitor" is still 1.1.0, or am I wrong?


wrong. I see 1.5.0.



ST Employee

Hello @Community member​ 

Looks like there's an issue if you previously installed another version of the tool and did not uninstall it before the new one. Will raise a ticket to the dev. team.

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Associate II

Hello @Richard.Chvr​ ,

yes, that could be the reason, I did not uninstall the old version.

My system is Windows 10 Pro 64bit / 22H2



Associate II

Hi Team,

You recently fixed the ability to save data as a csv file if the variable name contains a period ".", Could you also fix the data for when an extended variable is being logged such that it has brackets? [] is supported, but myVariable[1] is not supported. It fails silently which is the main bummer as I can run a test and have the data log set to CSV files and when I close the dashboard the CSV was never generated.

Maybe consider adding a failsafe/fallback to save in another format if CSV doesn't work, or just write to raw text or something.

I'm nearly certain that this should be an easy fix, it was listed in one of the previous changelogs that it was fixed for periods. It would just help me out a lot if brackets were also supported.

My work around is to go into the code, define a bunch of global variables and then every variable with a [] value that I want I need to also save it as a global variable without the [].

A variable name in cube monitor might look like adc.adc_List[1] I didn't invent the conventions that allow for this.

Nothing I'm saying here is confidential and while this is work related, it does not tie back to my work and my thoughts expressed here are my own.

ST Employee

Hello @PDail.1​ ,

This bracket issue will be fixed in the 1.6.0. release that will come soon

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Fantastic! I'm looking forward to that release.

Keep up the great work!

I just checked an hour or two ago and it is able to be downloaded. I confirm it fixed it, but there are a number of changes made to CSV formatting that are interesting too.

Keep up the good work.

This issue has finally been analyzed and was linked to previous version management architecture used and is now solved from version 1.5.0 onward.

To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.