2021-06-04 02:45 AM
I'm able to plot a single variable with STM32Cube Monitor v1.2 but not an array like uint16_t adc_buffer[2][256]
How can I do this?
2021-06-16 08:58 AM
Hello @Gaston
In order to get whole array, you need to select all of it variables in the variable node edition.
Upon executable config file edition, select "Expand Variable List" check box to be able to select them.
Hope it helps!
2021-06-17 08:37 AM
Hi Richard,
In my case I use a [7][256] uint_16 array and I need to acquire (for example) 256 samples of index 2 of this array located at &acq_adc_buffer[2][0] address. In STM32Cube Monitor I select this variable as shown:
But in the Chart I only get a single acq_adc_buffer[2][0] data, not the whole array of 256 samples.
Any idea?