2024-02-26 2:11 AM
To test control the device, I need to change the values of some variables using dashboard elements.
"Write Panel" doesn't work for me.
Show me an example of how to implement it? Thank you!
"Write Panel" tried to generate a payload of the format:
"variablelist": [
"address": "0x20003954",
"name": "alg::apiControls.valves.registr",
"type": 1,
"checked": true,
"$$hashKey": "object:153",
"value": "1",
"validity": true
"accesspoint": 0
What is "$$hashKey": "object:153" ?
This value is always new, after each deployment.
2024-02-27 12:54 AM
The $$hashKey is added by angular framework and it is not used by the probe out node. You can ignore it.
The value seems ok for a unsigned int8 at address 0x20003954, and it should be set to 1.
There is a red triangle on the MyVariables node, can you check it ?