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Bug in STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD log - RDO decoding

Associate III


STM32CubeMonitor-UCPD sometimes displays RDOs like this:


Where does the number MaximumOperatingCurrent come form? Since the RDO is defined as:


typedef struct
uint32_t MaxOperatingCurrent10mAunits : /*!< Corresponding to min if GiveBackFlag = 1 */ 10u;
uint32_t OperatingCurrentIn10mAunits : 10u;
} USBPD_SNKFixedVariableRDO_TypeDef;


MaximumOperatingCurrent should correspond to the lowest 10 bits of the data. These are 0x05 0x14 as displayed in "DATA:" in the monitor. This would mean that MaximumOperatingCurrent is 5, not 517(0).

I also verified in USBPD_TRACE_Add that the data sent in Ptr is indeed actually 0x82 0x12 0x05 0x14 0x00 0x17.

Am I right that MaximumOperatingCurrent=5 in this case?


ST Employee

Hi @Erlkoenig 

Could you please attach full log and specify your hardware setup?

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Please find the log attached. The hardware is a NUCLEO-G474RE with X-NUCLEO-SRC1M1, and external 5V supply applied.

ST Employee

Hi @Erlkoenig 

Internal ticket has been submitted 181302 to dedicated team for further investigation.

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