2020-07-17 1:26 AM
Why Stm32CubeIDE can't Config pins in Pinout View ?
When I using STM32CUBEMX that's config pins like this [1], but in stm32cubeide dose't like that [2].
2020-07-17 2:56 AM
@Msadr471 I can change GPIO like in STM32CubeMX. my STM32CubeIDE version is V1.3.1
2020-07-17 5:43 AM
My guess is you have ommitted to answer Yes to default board setup. Have a neew try creating your project File > New > STM32 Project
2020-07-17 2:10 PM
Yah, I know it. me too
I can change anything.
But first time when I create new project IDE doesn't config GPIO like Picture 1.
it show me picture 2.
My IDE Version:
2020-07-17 2:15 PM
I solved the problem.
in this section, I installed a package, and STM32cubeIDE upgraded.
I still do not know what the problem was, but in the end, the problem was solved.
2022-06-11 7:20 AM
It happens when you select MCU/MPU
Instead of Board Selector