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Whither the CubeIDE Documentation and Tutorials?

Associate II

I purchased a self-published book called Mastering-STM32.pdf. The author apparently has quite an in with ST in Italy and I am using it for my learning of the STM system. The author's book intends for you to use the Eclipse IDE and STCube HAL to learn the system. In his book, the author handles all the setup nuances for Windows for the Eclipse IDE and the toolchain for STM development including his recommendation of the use of STCube HAL. But recent posts in the author's support page indicate that his readors might be better served in the Windows world by disregarding his setup instructions for the tool chain and going directly to the STL CubeIDE. So this is the approach I have taken.

Now I find myself a bit confused in the CubeIDE and in how to interact with the CubeIDE to set up the various boards and the GPIO and interrupts for ST32. The author's book targeting STCube HAL and the CubeIDE do not seem to jive. I was under the impression that the CubeIDE and the STCube HAL were esentially identical except for the fact that the CubeIDE was designed to work with (and be set up out of the box) for Windows, that is to say a tightly integrated package requiring little customization.

I am looking for the essential tutorials for the CubeIDE with res[pect to the STCube HAL part, and I have not found such a document or guide. What I am looking for is the best tutorial for the STCube IDE.

Am I to assume that most developers automatically translate easily from the STCube HAL to the STCube IDE with no problems, or are there separate and different IDE interfaces that must be learned, with different tutorials?

What is the best tutorial for the STCube HAL part of the ST Cube IDE?

Pavel A.
Evangelist III

>  The author's book targeting STCube HAL and the CubeIDE do not seem to jive

You probably refer to this book. It was written (at least the main body of it) before CubeIDE.

Basically CubeIDE is Eclipse CDT, similar to other Eclipse CDT based IDEs - with added CubeMX.

This is convenient combination, like a printer and scanner combo.

But still it is Eclipse, it has a certain learning curve for beginners. If this is your first encounter with Eclipse CDT, it may be intimidating.

Like with the printer and scanner example, if one is not familiar with either device, they are better mastered separately,

>  I was under the impression that the CubeIDE and the STCube HAL were esentially identical...

If you prefer Windows, it is a perfect choice.

STCube HAL is basically a library which supports the code generated by CubeMX and its CubeIDE variant.

So no, they are not identical. The Cube HAL library can be used with other IDEs such as Keil or IAR.

> What I am looking for is the best tutorial for the STCube IDE.

The best tutorial is learning material (articles, videos, slides) on the ST web site.

Again, if you are new to Eclipse, find somebody to explain it to you. Any Eclipse CDT.

> or are there separate and different IDE interfaces that must be learned, with different tutorials?

Separate. Again, look for learning material on ST site.

Writing a good book is very hard, and it becomes obsolete before finished :-(

-- pa