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When will the Cube IDE once again be able to connect to STM32F100 VL-Discovery Kit?

Associate III

About 3 weeks ago, an update was received from ST that made both my Windows 10 and Linux boxes unable to connect to the VL Discovery. The message reads that I must plug in my ST-Link device.

The stlink Linux command line tool is still able to connect to and program the device flawlessly.

But, of course, this does not have an integrated debugger and slows code development down considerably ( I must provide alternate methods of checking ADC values etc).

Yes, I understand that these are old devices and have been replaced by newer and better ones, but I and many others still have F100 series operational in the field.


Product is in volume production

Or we have several metric shed-tons of them in a warehouse somewhere..

And if you do, do the honourable thing and code a simple ST-LINK firmware that works and is sufficiently compatible with the V2 protocol, or open one, so these all don't get land-filled like ET Game Cartridges..

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