2020-03-26 3:50 AM
Under the CUBEIDE tool, I'm doing an access to D2SRAM1~3 storage Spaces of H743I EVAL2.Use " uint8_t liku [] __attribute__ ((section (". ARM __at_0x30020000"))) = {' A ', 'B', 'C', 'D'};"Statement, but the data returned through UART1 does not match the actual data.
What is the specific process of accessing SRAM fixed address under CUBEIDE?
2020-03-26 6:24 AM
I'm not sure if "__attribute__ ((section (". ARM __at_0x30020000")))" works or not.
But to access a specific memory address, the syntax is very simple:
uint8_t * ptr = (uint8_t *) 0x30020000;
You could use that to check if the linker did what you asked it to do.
2020-03-26 6:49 AM
The simple syntax is working only for synchronous transfers, neither for DMA nor interrupt based ones.
For interrupt or DMA based transfers, the declaration must be volatile.
2020-03-27 3:43 AM
Hi TDk
Thank you very much.