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What is the modbus address for the evalkit-robot-1 STM32F0 and how do I talk to the MCU from STM32cube IDE?

Associate II

Hi all, I'm working with the evalkit-robot-1 which has a STM32F0 cortex-MO MCU. MCU is connected to PC via a USB to RS 422/RS 485. What is the modbus address and how do I talk to the MCU from STM32cube IDE? We've tried Truestudio and have Termite terminal. I've loaded the source code into both STM32cudeIDE and Truestudio and get errors for both, either missing files or can't run because there are no previous initializations.

I've been looking through source code and all of the documentation given on the ST website, so please please send screenshots or an exact location if you have an answer. I've already found the baud rate (19200) and such in the source code. I've calculated the CRC assuming the address is 0x01.

Also, do I need the Motor Control workbench because after downloading it and putting in the right information, the board from this kit is not in the options nor is it an option in STM32cudeIDE.

Associate II

After much searching it turns out ST calls in a "slave address"