2021-04-16 11:18 PM
Can somebody say what im doing wrong
I have project in STM32CubeIDE with lwip and freertos
Im trying to add new thread(as new task) with exist principles and cant do it
/* Definitions for TCPip */
osThreadId_t mtcpConHandle;
const osThreadAttr_t mtcpCon_attributes = {
.name = “mtcpCon�?,
.stack_size = 384 * 4,
.priority = (osPriority_t) osPriorityNormal,
void mstartTcpCon(void *argument);
int main(void)
/* creation of TCPip connection*/
mtcpConHandle = osThreadNew(mstartTcpCon, NULL, &mtcpCon_attributes);
while (1)
void mstarTcpCon(void *argument)
And at build I have got the following make errors:
main.o: in function ‘main’
undefined reference to ‘mstartTcpCon’
Solved! Go to Solution.
2021-04-17 10:09 PM
Sorry, fixed, mstarTcpCon is already in main, partly declared here
2021-04-17 3:03 PM
void mstartTcpCon(void *argument); is a declaration.
need to define this entry function for thread.
2021-04-17 10:09 PM
Sorry, fixed, mstarTcpCon is already in main, partly declared here
2021-04-17 10:09 PM
and in that the point
2021-04-19 1:59 PM
yet another question to that
The target of mstartTcpCon is to connect to the sever(PC) within TCPIP
In that function I use netconn API within FreeRTOS and I create connection(socket), connect to server and send data
But in proctice I have en Error after netconn_connect
Please help
Here the source code of that function:
void mstartTcpCon(void *argument)
ip_addr_t server_ip;
struct netconn *conn, *newconn;
err_t err, accept_err;
struct netbuf *buf;
uint8_t *data;
uint8_t mas[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
u16_t len = 8;
data = &mas[0];
IP4_ADDR(&server_ip, 169, 254, 44, 141);
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
if (conn != NULL)
err = netconn_bind(conn, NULL, 80);
if (err == ERR_OK)
err = netconn_connect(conn, &server_ip, 80);
if(err == ERR_OK)
err = netconn_write(conn, data, len, NETCONN_DONTBLOCK);
if (err == ERR_OK)
while (1)
accept_err = netconn_accept(conn, &newconn);
if (accept_err == ERR_OK)
while (netconn_recv(newconn, &buf) == ERR_OK)
netbuf_data(buf, (void *)&data, &len);
if(data[0] == 0xAA && len >= 2) data[1] = ~data[0];
netconn_write(newconn, data, len, NETCONN_COPY);
while (netbuf_next(buf) >= 0);
2021-04-20 5:18 AM
Searching for a solution to this issue, implies that board is initialized well, configured and successfully pinged from another network device in the same network.
There are known issues about lwip+RTOS+cubeMX conf, depending also from MCU type .
By giving much more details about board, MCU, and which function is affected, what is the returned error code, helps people here to find a solution easier than guessing.
Search on community articles here, to find similar issues. Take a look also here https://community.st.com/s/article/How-to-create-project-for-STM32H7-with-Ethernet-and-LwIP-stack-working.
2021-04-20 1:47 PM
Sorry, the previous en error was cause of absence of server
Now connection established but when I send data I cant see it in Wireshark
and in debug mode I have Err_Ok after data transmission. At PC side server in listen
void mstartTcpCon(void *argument)
ip_addr_t server_ip;
ip_addr_t client_ip;
struct netconn *conn, *newconn;
err_t err, accept_err;
struct netbuf *buf;
struct netbuf *buf2;
uint8_t *data;
uint8_t mas[8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};
u16_t len = 8;
//data = &mas[0];
IP4_ADDR(&server_ip, 169, 254, 44, 141);
IP4_ADDR(&client_ip, 169, 254, 44, 138);
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
if (conn != NULL)
//err = netconn_bind(conn, IP4_ADDR_ANY, 56547);
err = netconn_bind(conn, &client_ip, 56547);
if (err == ERR_OK)
err = netconn_connect(conn, &server_ip, 56547);
Wireshark absence of data transfer from slave here:
P.S. I use custom board based on STM32F429 and project in CubeIDE
2021-04-21 2:07 PM
Thanks fro your support. In debug mode I see that I have only ERR_OK from netconn API.
I simpify the code and have got the following:
void mstartTcpCon(void *argument)
ip_addr_t server_ip;
ip_addr_t client_ip;
struct netconn *conn;//, *newconn;
err_t err;//, accept_err;
struct netbuf *buf2;
uint8_t *data;
uint8_t mas[8];
u16_t len = 8;
IP4_ADDR(&server_ip, 169, 254, 44, 141);
IP4_ADDR(&client_ip, 169, 254, 44, 138);
conn = netconn_new(NETCONN_TCP);
if (conn != NULL)
err = netconn_bind(conn, &client_ip, 56547);
if (err == ERR_OK)
err = netconn_connect(conn, &server_ip, 56547);
if(err == ERR_OK)
mas[0] = 0x31;
mas[1] = 0x32;
mas[2] = 0x33;
mas[3] = 0x34;
mas[4] = 0x35;
mas[5] = 0x36;
mas[6] = 0x37;
mas[7] = 0x38;
buf2 = netbuf_new();
netbuf_ref(buf2, mas, len);
err = netconn_write(conn, mas, len, NETCONN_NOCOPY);
if (err == ERR_OK)
And wireshark log which I cant recognize
At the PC(server) side I see the connetion, receiving, but the data is mpty string and size of data decreased in 2 bytes, - I send 8 bytes and receive 6.
Why I cant see it in wireshark maybe cause of W10?
Also I cant see any ARP
2021-04-21 3:14 PM
> Why I cant see it in wireshark maybe cause of W10?
Wireshark capture driver for win10 has known issues, so yes, may be. Better use Linux.
2021-04-29 9:46 PM
Finally Ive got working TCP, but while integration it in exist project I have some problem
Project based on queues and then I create new queue I stopped on xQueueReceive
And when I trying to paste new code into existing queue I also have problem
Here the existing queue:
void startUartTx(void *argument)
UART_HandleTypeDef* uart = uartM3g;
osMessageQueueId_t qu = quMsgM3gHandle;
struct netbuf *buffer;
err_t err;
/* Infinite loop */
MessageNode msgNode;
xQueueReceive(qu, &msgNode, portMAX_DELAY);
HAL_UART_Transmit(uart, (uint8_t*)msgNode.message, msgNode.size, 1000);
//xQueueSend(qu, &msgNode, portMAX_DELAY);
buffer = netbuf_new();
//netbuf_ref(buf2, data, len);
buffer->p->payload = msgNode.message;
buffer->p->len = 5;//msgNode.size;
err = netconn_write(conn, buffer->p->payload, buffer->p->len, NETCONN_COPY);// NETCONN_DONTBLOCK);
// vTaskResume(TCPTxHandle);
There I stoping in на buffer->p->len = 5;//msgNode.size; with any value of buffer size.
In debug mode I see that I stopped in while of the following functions:
void HardFault_Handler(void)
/* USER CODE BEGIN HardFault_IRQn 0 */
uint32_t r0;
uint32_t r1;
uint32_t r2;
uint32_t r3;
uint32_t r12;
uint32_t lr;
uint32_t pc;
uint32_t psr;
} *stack_ptr;
"TST lr, #4 \n"
"ITE EQ \n"
"MRSEQ %[ptr], MSP \n"
"MRSNE %[ptr], PSP \n"
: [ptr] "=r" (stack_ptr)
/* USER CODE END HardFault_IRQn 0 */
while (1)
/* USER CODE BEGIN W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
/* USER CODE END W1_HardFault_IRQn 0 */
Please help, I dont understand how work in FreeRTOS with queues instead of tasks