2020-01-06 11:18 PM
I installed STM32CubeIDE (Version: 1.1.0, Build: 4551_20191014-1140 (UTC)) on my laptop (Win7, 64bit). The installation path is "C:\tools\ST\STM32CubeIDE_1.1.0\STM32CubeIDE"
As soon as I start the IDE the CPU load on my laptop the CPU load goes up to the maximum. In the ressourcemonitor this process needs most of the CPU: svchost.exe (DcomLaunch).
And in Services the most CPU load has: PugPlay from Group DcomLaunch. Details see the screenshot.
I tried alread 2 things:
Attached also the log from my workspace (.log, .ide.log).
Any ideas what causes this high CPU load?
2020-01-07 3:36 AM
Have you had other version of CubeIDE installed where the behavior is different? Does it continue with the high CPU load or is it only during launch? Any anti-virus programs that interfere in the background?
2020-01-07 4:37 AM
I didn't have installed other versions of CubeIDE before. I had a installation of STM32CubeMX once before. CubeMX is now deinstalled and after that I did the installation of CubeIDE. But maybe there are still files somwhere from old CubeMX installation.
Anti-virus I have but I have to check with my IT department first before stopping or changing anything.
2020-01-07 4:42 AM
The high CPU load does continue. I had running CubeIDE over night and the next morning the CPU load was still very high.
2020-01-08 2:01 AM
That seems odd.
An old MX installation shouldn't affect the CubeIDE.
There's most likely a new version of CubeIDE out later today, could you try that and see if the behavior continues?
2020-01-10 6:47 AM
We got it to run. The solution was to change the windows display language from German to English.
My workmates analysis that the command
"C:\Windows\System32\wbem\wmic.exe" path Win32_PNPEntity WHERE "Name LIKE '%(COM%'" get Name,Manufacturer /format:rawxml
was taking around 7s (with German language). This command was called every 4s from the IDE so the CPU load arises up to 100%.
2020-10-16 12:23 AM
just move STM32CubeIDE\plugins\com.st.stm32cube.ide.mpu.remote.serial.* away,may solve this problem.
2020-10-16 3:45 AM
:face_screaming_in_fear: Maybe solving high level the issue ... but i would not recommend at all to play with product integrity .... you are not mastering at all side effect of product components removal .... According to me be carefull ...