2023-08-21 7:33 AM
I know I can load Nucleo-F446ZE examples from the STM32CubeIDE, but what I find really annoying is the the examples provided are made in SW4STM32 IDE .
To me it is very strange that while STM is promoting their STM32CubeIDE, I have to learn the SW4STM32 first and try to translate the examples myself, which I still find excruciating.
Is this how STM is trying to promote their own IDE? For newcomers it is a pain in the butt.
At least translate the demonstrations to your own STM32CubeIDE
2023-08-21 8:19 AM
Are you using the Example Selector? They load right up in STM32CubeIDE and compile/run from there. I don't see why you need to learn SW4STM32 or translate.