2021-04-09 4:44 AM
Most of the time when using the software, after a few minutes of use, the Java usage of the CPU reaches 90% or higher and the software is locked and finally the software is closed.(Especially by pressing ctrl+space to auto-complete commands.)
This problem has become so great that I use vscode software to edit.
please help me
system info:
stm32cubeIDE ver 1.6.1
cpu core i7 6700k
memory ssd 250 GB
ram 16 GB
use on:
1) os windows 10 pro 64bit
2) os linux (ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS) 64bit
Note: i only use of stm32CubeIDE and not run any other software.
2021-04-12 2:39 AM
Any relation to STM32CubeIDE and Wayland autocomplete not working?