2021-04-06 3:20 PM
I have installed STM32CubeIDE 1.6.1 on a Windows 10 client. I want to load firmware examples, which I already have stored on the machine. The IDE will not connect to the network. It continually prompts me to connect to the network, but when I click on the "Check Connection", it gives me a red X. I can't proceed further.
I need to load one of the example programs for my STM32H735G-DK, but I can't do it at all, even though the code is already on my hard drive, the IDE NEEDS the network. I have looked in the IDE log and the only error I get is "Address Family Not Supported By Protocol Family". I have installed the IDE on another machine and get the same results. I have verified that the workstation this IDE is running on, has a good, normal, network configuration. Search engines aren't turning up much help.
2021-04-06 8:53 PM
While waiting for more helpful answers, get your example now.
In CubeIDE select Import ... existing project into workspace.
In Select root directory: browse to the example under the CubeH7 package (by default installed in your %USERPROFILE%).
Go down to Projects\STM32H735G-DK\Examples and choose an example.
Examples for STM32H735G-DK already are in CubeIDE format so it should import without complications.
2021-04-07 12:15 AM
File > Import > Import STM32Cube Examples
You're claiming already on your hard drive but is it expected pack version ? ... if not IDE is expecting to download it so network access requirement.
Are you able to get green chek if connection check ?
2021-04-07 11:09 AM
Thanks. I did a thing like that since I have the code already.
2021-04-07 11:09 AM
No, I was never able to get the green check no matter what I did. That's a good workaround you suggested. Thanks.
2021-04-07 12:41 PM
Not having access to remote is a pain.
Still solution to retrieve and install by yourself required pack but not so nice vs. one click solution.
If doing handmade, pick pack from www.st.com then rely on "From Local" based on Help > Manage Embedded Software Packages