2020-08-19 11:33 AM
I found a project that allows the programming of STM32 via OTA, it would be very interesting if the STM32CubeIDE could work directly with this.
[STM32 OTA using esp8266]:
Does anyone know if it is possible to use the STM32CubeIDE via OTA, just as it is already possible with the Arduino IDE?
I found another project with Raspberry Pi, maybe it can be adapted to work with the IDE directly:
Example of use:
2020-08-19 2:53 PM
IDE and debugger are tools for development. OTA is a product feature allowing end-user to update firmware. User will not install IDE and OTA cannot debug - those are completely different things!
2020-08-19 3:32 PM
You know most of the recent DISCO/NUCLEO boards using the ST-LINK/v2-1 can act like mass-storage devices you can drag-n-drop binaries too.
Perhaps this could emulate a GDB Server?
This approach seems to add cost and complexity, where neither is needed. In most commercial applications debugging the device is a pretty fractional thing.
You know you can write your own IAP/OTA loaders into your boards now, and use whatever network or connectivity that already affords.
Plenty of people have implemented FOTA over WiFi, Cellular, etc using protocols like TFTP, FTP, HTTP, etc, where parts in the field have to auto-magically update, hopefully less frequently than Adobe Flash or Firefox, as that would likely blow the NB IoT data budgets..