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Nucleo144 - STM32H745ZI-Q No device found on target


This is the second time that I came in the morning to a device and greeted with this message upon upload:

Info : Remote address:

Info : stlinkserver already running, exit

Target no device found


Error in initializing ST-LINK device.

Reason: No device found on target.

It has happened already and I just grabbed a new device as I could not debug it myself. 

There was no difference in the program that I tried uploading (same build). The only thing that changed between the two tries was me unplugging the USB at the end of the day and plugging it back in in the morning.

The jumper is still on the ST-LINK position and the ST-LINK itself is visible and I can upgrade it without any difficulties.

I am using STM32CubeIDE.

What can I do to reverse this?


Accepted Solutions
ST Employee

Hello @rbcarlos ,

Using STM32CubeProgrammer.

On the ST-LINK configuration area:

  1. Serial number -> refresh to get your stlink serial
  2. Mode: Under reset
  3. Reset mode: Core reset

try to connect asap when power your board. When you connect you can do "full chip erase".
It suppose to be ready for next usage.

I hope it helps

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ST Employee

Hello @rbcarlos ,

Using STM32CubeProgrammer.

On the ST-LINK configuration area:

  1. Serial number -> refresh to get your stlink serial
  2. Mode: Under reset
  3. Reset mode: Core reset

try to connect asap when power your board. When you connect you can do "full chip erase".
It suppose to be ready for next usage.

I hope it helps

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The H7's can get into an unusable state if the LDO/SMPS settings are wrong. Easiest way to recover this state is to jumper BOOT0 HIGH/VDD, and power cycle the board a couple of times (remove all power sources/cables). An then when you can connect erase your application code. Use STM32 Cube Programmer.

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Just an update, I have found multiple mentions of @Tesla DeLorean 's solution on the internet, but this unfortunately made no difference in my case.

@Foued_KH 's solution worked reliably, also on STM32L476.

Thanks to both of you!