2019-10-16 1:48 PM
The dmg package asks to instal st-stlink-server.1.2.0-3.pkg first before adding STM32CubeIDE to applications folder. Server installed successfully eventually. When I opened the application it started verifying signature/certificate and then throws an error. Picture of the error is attached here.
Any help?
2019-10-16 11:10 PM
Hi sid90,
We're investigating this issue noticed recently for some OSX setups (not versions dependent)
Seems that the os adds some extended attributes on the .dmg when the download is done directly on the Mac, the standard way unfortunately, whereas doing the download on another PC and copying on the Mac works fine...
Anyway, here is the workaround we found waiting for a suitable fix.
$ xattr -cr /Applications/STM32CubeIDE.app (in Terminal.app, and possibly prefixed with sudo)
2019-10-17 8:32 AM
xattr -cr /Applications/STM32CubeIDE.app worked. It showed me a couple of lines with "permission denied" but the application opened successfully.
2019-10-18 2:22 AM
Great ! Thanks for your feedback.
As suggested, prefix to above command with sudo to avoid permissions denied.
2019-10-18 2:32 AM
Thanks for the hint.
Right-click open use to fix that kind of the security issue.
According to xattr STM32CubeIDE.app, the application is in quarantine by default.
xattr -c STM32CubeIDE.app is enough.
2019-10-19 10:00 AM
got another problem. I am unable to create new project. It keeps "checking for updated files" but never finishes.
Just FYI: I updated MacOS Catalina 10.15 (19A602).
2019-10-19 10:35 AM
Never mind. There is already a solution for this problem on the forum.
Since I am very new to the software it took me 10min to find the setting they were talking about to change.
Here it is, step by step.
Preferences (of STM32CubeIDE)> Instal/Update > Available Software Sites. Uncheck Both "STM32CubeIDE Repository" and "Eclipse Repository".
2019-10-19 10:43 AM
While investigating more on this problem, the web addresses for:
don't exist. I tried it on safari.
Can @Julien D_OEHAUDT or any other st employee update me on the proper web addresses for the updates, please?
2019-11-18 6:36 AM
Sorry for late reply .. I didn't saw you additional question before.
Those addresses are supposed to be use by STM32CubeIDE itself, the layout behind respect an internal format.
Your issue seems to be related to the network configuration, are you behind a proxy? If so, did you configured the http/https proxies in Preferences > General > Network Connections?
When network settings are correct you should be able to 'Reload' those software sites (Preferences > Available Software Sites), and check the FW updater connection (Preferences > STM32Cube > Firmware Update)
2019-11-18 5:41 PM
Wow. This is really poor release management.
Please make a release note that Mojave and Catalina are not supported by STM32CubeIDE.
And Mojave isn't even the latest OS, Catalina is.
Even if I do what sid90 says to --- Uncheck Both "STM32CubeIDE Repository" and "Eclipse Repository", the program just hangs forever.