2021-05-01 1:47 PM
I haven't found tutorials for noobs like me yet.
At first I'd like to blink my own 16 leds stripe through GPIOs using the CubeIDE.
I only managed to tweak the .ioc pinout configuration and I can boot a code that lights up the leds connected to CN7 and CN10, and I can't make them blink laming the example code.
2021-05-04 6:38 AM
Hello @Nucleo.starter,
The Wiki step by step tutorials should help you get started. For the blink LED, I recommend you following the steps of the Step2 Blink LED tutorial.
Please refer to the user manual UM1974, the 6.5 section to configure the right pins.
2021-05-06 7:56 AM
Hello Nucleo.starter,
welcome to our community. The tips from @ChahinezC are great. I would also recommend you to check our online video tutorials available here. For start I would recommend you to take a look on STM32CubeIDE basics and maybe STM32Cube basics MOOC. There is shown how the development software works and also hands-on exercises on several types f peripherals. If you will have any problems this community forum is great place to start. When you have some difficulties with your code it is always great idea to share it. So it is easier for everybody to see what could be wrong. What example project you have in your mind and have you been able to solve your problem?