2025-03-11 3:33 AM
Dear ST community,
I'm trying to setup a ML inference project on the STM32N6 Nucleo in order to do latency and accuracy evaluation of models as well as power measurements. I've been stuck at setting up a project that builds for a few days now.
ST CubeIDE 1.18
X-Cube-AI 10.0.0
From CubeIDE create new project
File -> New -> STM32 Project
Select N6 Nucleo board
Name=N6_Test_02, Target language=C, Project structure=Secure and Non secure domain, FSBL only
In the embedded cubeMX, Add X-Cube-AI and add my model
Pinout & Configuration -> X-CUBE-AI
Select context FSBL, check X-Cube-AI -> Core and select device application application template, hit ok
Pinout & Configuration -> X-CUBE-AI -> Add network TFLITE, Neural Art runtime, select my custom model, Analyze, model fits on device (800Kb Flash, 125KB RAM)
Fix the clock configuration manually
Save and generate the code
Fix the missing aton library
Build the FSBL -> ../X-CUBE-AI/App/network.c:46:10: fatal error: ll_aton_NN_interface.h: No such file or directory
Copy files and folder from /home/%USER/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/10.0.0/Middlewares to the FSBL
Add /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Middlewares/ST/AI/Npu/ll_aton and /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Middlewares/ST/AI/Npu/Devices/STM32N6XX to the include path
Build the FSBL -> ../X-CUBE-AI/App/app_x-cube-ai.c:100:43: error: 'RIF_RISC_PERIPH_INDEX_NPU' undeclared (first use in this function)
From the project top level, move everything in Drivers in the Drivers view of the project, Add the includes /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Drivers/STM32N6xx_HAL_Driver/Inc, /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Drivers/CMSIS/Device/ST/STM32N6xx/Include, /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Drivers/CMSIS/Include, /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Drivers/BSP/STM32N6xx_Nucleo
Copy /home/$USER/STM32Cube/Repository/Packs/STMicroelectronics/X-CUBE-AI/10.0.0/Projects/STM32N6570-DK/Applications/hello_world/Drivers/STM32N6xx_HAL_Driver/Inc/stm32n6xx_hal_rif.h (and .c ) to /N6_Test_02_FSBL/Drivers/STM32N6xx_HAL_Driver/Inc (/Src for the .c)
Add NPU_PRESENT to the preprocessor
Add #include "stm32n6xx_hal_rif.h" Line 46 of /N6_Test_02_FSBL/X-CUBE-AI/App/app_x-cube-ai.c
Fix the make: *** No rule to make target '/work/PSEE/stm32_2/N6_Test_02/Drivers/BSP/STM32N6xx_Nucleo/stm32n6xx_nucleo.c', needed by 'Drivers/BSP/STM32N6xx_Nucleo/stm32n6xx_nucleo.o'. Stop. issue