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Installing STM32CubeIDE on OpenSuse Tumbleweed

Associate II

Installing STM32CubeMx on OpenSuse Tumbleweed using


is missing libusbx

sudo ./ 
[sudo] Passwort für root: 
Creating directory
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing STM32CubeIDE installer  100%  
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
        package segger-jlink-udev-rules-6.44c-4.noarch is already installed
error: Failed dependencies:
        libusbx >= 1.0 is needed by st-stlink-server-1.2.0-3.amd64
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
        package st-stlink-udev-rules-1.0.2-2.noarch is already installed
error: Failed dependencies:
        st-stlink-server is needed by st-stm32cubeide_1.1.0-1.1.0-4551_20191014_1140.x86_64

libusbx is not available for OpenSuse. On

SourceForge: libusbx is OBSOLETE and has been superseded by

What can I do?


So I got it to install. I used the generic installer, opened with Sudo and allowed it to ignore the dependencies. At the licence pressing q then y works.


I have attempted one hello world but it doesn't seem to compile so I'll fight for another few days or just spin up win-doze on a VM

This is the situation with Linux. Linux is free. CubeIDE is free too. Your time and effort has price. You decide whether it's worth it.

Associate II


Associate II

rpm package asks for yum to install

License accepted.
error: Failed dependencies:
        libusbx >= 1.0 is needed by st-stlink-server-2.1.0-1.x86_64
Verifying...                          ################################# [100%]
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
        package st-stlink-udev-rules-1.0.3-2.x86_64 is already installed
./ Zeile 21: yum: Kommando nicht gefunden.
./ Zeile 21: yum: Kommando nicht gefunden.

still the libusbx dependenci

Associate II

installs the software and starts correct.

May be libusb is missing later when trying to connect to segger

Windows and MacOS are free too Pavel so I'm not sure you understand the ecosystem very well. Thank you for your helpful comment though.


I have been able to resolve this problem by installing the libusbx manually.
First, navigate to
Then get the rpm file from one of the URLs in the Download section, for example:


Install the rpm file, then rerun the installation script.

If you were having a problem with, make sure to install the 32-bit version of the library: 

sudo zypper install libncurses5-32bit

Another option is to unpack the resulting files during installation, simply drop the libusbx requirements, repack and install the changed file.

I think I have made some notes when doing so last time, but at the moment I do not find these notes.

It's a pity that nobody at ST cares for this silly problem for years!