2024-11-05 6:34 AM
IDE hangs after collapsing ( minimizing window) and expanding (maximizing). Or after Alt + Tab. From time to time.
"File -> Restart" only helps.
I don't know how to fix this. Please, help.
Tried to reinstall - the same situation.
IDE uses internal Java: java.version=17.0.11
As system Java versions, I have v.18, 21, 22 (checked via "update-alternatives --config java" command)
Just have an idea to try to switch from internal to system version of Java, but did not find how it can be done.
My config:
Laptop Dell Vostro 3520
Ubuntu 22.04.4
2024-11-05 6:59 AM
2024-11-06 12:27 AM
Hello @VK.17
Have you tried the CubeIDE 1.16.1 version? Can you check if the behavior still occurred?
2024-11-06 1:22 AM
Yes, the same behavior.