2020-02-09 7:08 AM
I'm after some advice. I've just discovered the STM32 NUCLEO boards, and I've used many MPUs (Atmel, Microchip, TI) in the past. I'm a fairly experienced software developer, but this is strictly homer stuff.
I've been trying to get the FreeRTOS/LWIP demo code working, and I've read the trials and tribulations of developers like Piranha, saying that out of the box, there are half a dozen reasons why it won't work. I think I found two or three on my own.
Should I persevere, and use Piranha's guidance to get the apparently buggy STM32 development software working? Or should I go to a different MPU, where I'll have less functionality but perhaps an easier ride?
2020-02-09 7:43 PM
I don't know your use case for the F207 but a quick look tells me that a H7A3 is twice the device for a $1 less. As for 'Piranha', using an alias is so past tense, the current STM32Cubeide V 1.2 seems to work a lot better than the earlier versions, at least the Linux version I've been working with. They do need to 'update' the WiKi and add some examples of current products. It is nice not having to switch between STM32CubeMX and the IDE....
2020-02-15 3:03 PM
Ah! I thought I was using the latest, but I see it's 1.0.2. Hit "check for updates", and it offers 1.2.1! Certainly I'll try that.
On the F207, I looked through the maze of STM32 specs for a NUCLEO that had sufficient RAM & ROM and an Ethernet port. I was so pleased when I found one at a reasonable price that I stopped looking. I'll certainly look at the H7A3, now that I know it's even better (and is compatible with work other guys on the forums have done so their experiences are more relevant).
Thanks for your thoughts, Kevin.