2022-12-05 5:27 AM
I'm trying to compile a project with FreeRTOS integration and Liwp lib for Ethernet comms.
It's not my first time using this IDE and making projects with this thirdparty libs. But it 's the first tiem that I have seen this kind of problems.
But for some reason, that I'm unable to answer myself, I have got several building errors related with objectos (vars and function calls) that are defined and declarated on a files that I'm including there. Some sample of the kind of error mesages thrown by console.
I have checked the "link connections" within above orange marked expressions. Let's go to the first line error. I went to the file I found the undefined reference is an expression defined on cmsis_os.h file. I check the file inclusions, those from where error are reported. And I can see thins like this:
Hence, I quickly went to see how the paths were included to the project. Folder where those files are found are added to the paths:
All features seems to be ok in order to the references to be found by the compiler. But it stills not doing that.
I have never faced this issue before and I have no idea about how to solve this situation.
I would like to add some other kind of information from console that could be useful. Console is also launching 2 warnings related to paths that are unkown for me. I don't know from which file are trying to include those paths and why:
Maybe this is related to the root cause of the problems before commented.
Can anyone help me with a propper action? what I'm doing wrong?
2022-12-06 9:11 PM
The "Console" tab is more useful than the "Errors" tab, which leaves out some information and rearranges things in a less than useful manner.
The errors showing *.o files suggests the linker cannot find those functions. Are you including a library with them defined somewhere? Or are they defined within a source file that you are compiling?
2022-12-07 5:35 AM
Hello @genisuvi
As @TDK mentioned, the problem view does not show the complete image.
To be able to troubleshoot the errors we will need a screenshot from the console view or a copy past of it contain.
Kind regards,
To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2022-12-14 12:24 AM
No, console tab doesn't show me any message about the other projecte folder warnings. That's the point of my question. I was unable to find any more reference about it on the project logs (I was looking for that information specially on the console messages). But after clicking every tool I found the problem. It was an interface bug.
The sequence of my compilation problems:
1.- I closed the other projects from project menu
2.- I click on clean option after drop menu by click the right button on the project
3.- I was selecting the compilation and building option for selected project clicking on it with right mouse button.
4.- Even I compiled from project menu and checked "build configuration"
5.- When I compiled project IDE shown warnings about other projects.
6.- But once I went to "clean" from project menu (uper tool tab) a new tab was opened and it shows me that there was another project there. The project related to the warning folder.
Look at this image:
7.- I removed the check mark and I cleaned.
8.- After clean it I compiled the project once again and this time warnings about the other project dissapeared.
After this action a lot of compilation errors were removed. Although there stills some of them, now the references problem location was easy to solve.