2020-11-21 07:24 AM
I have running STM32CubeIDE (eclipse) on my workspace.
At same time, I want to open a second process from a Linux terminal:
/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0/stm32cubeide --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash \
-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild \
-data $WORKSPACE -cleanBuild "$PROJECT/Release"
This does not work (error message: "Workspace already in use!"). This is the same behavior as if starting two GUI IDE with same workspace, but in GUI, I can open a second instance on same workspace with menu "Window->New Window".
Is there a possibility (cmd line param?) to start STM32CubeIDE in terminal on same "shared" workspace?
Best regards
2020-11-21 07:37 AM
I found a solution/workaround, which may be interesting:
You must create a temporary workspace and import the project:
/opt/st/stm32cubeide_1.4.0/stm32cubeide --launcher.suppressErrors -nosplash \
-application org.eclipse.cdt.managedbuilder.core.headlessbuild \
-data $TMP -import $WORKSPACE/$PROJECT -cleanBuild "$PROJECT/Release"
But is there a better solution?
Best regards