2019-06-25 9:41 AM
There seems to be a bug that causes you to lose your files. I'm running version 1.0.1 of CubeIDE (build 3139_20190612-1256). When I tried to create a new project in my C:\Projects folder, I thought the IDE would create a new folder inside C:\Projects based on the project name I gave it. Instead, it erased all my files and folders in C:\Projects and errored out while creating my project directly in C:\Projects. There should have been a warning explaining where the new project would be created. And no files should have been deleted in the target folder.
2019-06-25 12:24 PM
The destructive nature of the tools has been flagged to ST on MULTIPLE occasions.
#FailHard #AreYouSureYouWantToNukeTheSiteFromOrbit?
2019-06-26 1:17 AM
I think I just answered you in another thread so feel free to answer where it suits you. What name did you give the project? Do you have a reliable way to recreate the problem?
2019-07-05 6:46 PM
I just reproduced the issue. I have my STM32CubeIDE workspace in one folder (let's call it C:\workspace) and I keep my projects in another folder, let's call it C:\Projects.
I have a project from C\Projects\Prj1 open in my STM32CubeIDE. Then I go and create C:\Projects2\My_Folder\My_Data.txt file with some data in it.
In STM32CubeIDE, I go to File -> New -> STM32 Project and follow the usual steps to create a project, say Prj2 in folder C:\Projects2.
When I hit the button to generate a project, I get an error message that says "C:\: Access is denied." After I dismiss this message, I get another error message: "Code generation could not be done because the necessary firmware package is missing. Not able to complete STM32Cube project creation." plus some other things. BTW, these messages don't show up when I specify a subfolder for my new project. After I dismiss the second message, a project gets created in C:\Project2, but my C:\Project2\My_Folder is now gone!
2019-07-06 10:09 PM
I can confirm this behavior. It happened to me too. By the time the message is displayed the project is already gone and can't be rebuild.
2019-07-08 2:05 AM
Thank you for the detailed description, it helped me reproduce the issue.
It looks like CubeIDE detects that it might be a problem and shows the warning "Project location already exists". So it should probably grey out the Finish button at that point and not allow project creation at all.
I'll write a ticket about it so the devs can take a closer look!